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May 2024 Blog Newsletter

May Captain’s Log What Is Your Financial Independence Number? Do you know your Financial Independence Number (FIN)? Recently, I was listening to a podcast, and it was suggested that 99% of people do not know what their FIN is! The FIN is the amount of money someone needs to save to retire and live comfortably…

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Coins in a piggy bank

April 2024 Blog Newsletter

April Captain’s Log How Much Should Someone Keep In A Money Market Or CD? We’ve all heard the analogy “cash is king!” If you’re still working and earning a living while being more than 24 months from retirement, a three- to six-month emergency fund is sufficient. There could be exceptions to this rule if you…

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Navigating Financial Milestones Across the Decades

Whether you’re just starting out in your 20’s and 30’s or basking in the retirement glow of your 60’s and 70’s, Anchor Wealth Management is here to provide insight and advice on how to achieve financial success at every stage of your life. Your 20s: Build the Foundation In your 20s, you’re likely finishing college…

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March 2024 Blog Newsletter

March Captain’s Log Unlocking Investing Success: The Power Of Diversification And Staying The Course Investors, especially do-it-yourself investors, often grapple with the impulse to chase after the latest shiny investment opportunities. This tendency can lead to strong opinions based on personal beliefs, influencing their investment behavior. Clients must resist the urge to outsmart the power…

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magnifing glass with spreadsheets looking at bar graph

Interest Rates: What Does 2024 Look Like if You’re Planning a Large Expense

Are you gearing up to purchase your first home? Buy a new car? Have another large expense on the horizon? Whatever your game plans, the key to successful financial planning lies in understanding the ins and outs of interest rates. Much like the external factors that influence the rise and fall of the ocean, interest…

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financial plan with calculator

January 2024 Blog Newsletter

January Captain’s Log Building A Purposeful Financial Journey With Clients Happy New Year! Anchor Wealth Management had an incredible 2023, exceeding expectations and building meaningful connections with clients. My vision for 2024 is inspiring—helping clients better understand the purpose of their money and aligning it with their unique goals and aspirations. The approach of asking…

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Notebook with red pencil writing

How to Crush a No Spend Month

For many people, January ’tis the season for paying off holiday bills. In a world that constantly bombards us with advertisements and temptations to spend, the idea of a “No Spend Month” may seem challenging or even daunting. However, this financial challenge is not about depriving yourself of necessities; it’s about making conscious choices to…

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5 Simple Habits of the Average Millionaire

Who doesn’t dream of being a millionaire? The allure of financial freedom and the ability to live life on your own terms is something we all aspire to achieve. At Anchor Wealth Management, we’ve had the privilege of supporting both seasoned millionaires and those just embarking on their investment journey. Ever wondered about the secrets…

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September 2023 Blog Newsletter

September Captain’s Log Reflect On Your 2023 Financial Goals As we approach the last quarter of 2023 let’s not be complacent in managing our personal finances! Let’s continue to be good stewards of the money we have each been trusted to manage. My wife and I have had conversations recently while revisiting our budget and…

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The September Syndrome: Myth or Reality?

Traditionally, September’s fall weather brings with it a fall in the stock market. The reasoning behind this notion is often attributed to various factors, including investors returning from summer vacations and reevaluating their portfolios, as well as corporations releasing earnings reports that might not meet expectations. In addition, some infamous historical market crashes, such as…

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